On a July day back in 2006, something happened that would change the lives of many. It did not happen by chance...nothing ever does. Tammy Loe, a local parishioner from St. George's Catholic Church in Post Falls, Idaho, had been arguing with God for the past three years. He had lain on her heart, the desire to begin a Catholic Youth Camp. "How in the world could it ever happen?" she asked. "I know nothing about that sort of thing" she told Him over and over again. It was not about her however, and God knew that. It was about Him and His desire to feed our rich Catholic Faith to young people. After returning home from what was supposed to be a time of fun and growing in faith, the four oldest Loe children left a week-long, local non-denominational camp with heavy hearts. The ride home was long and hot. Rather than chatting busily about the week, as had happened in the past, the children were quiet and withdrawn. Tammy knew something was wrong. She saw it in their eyes, yet none of them wanted to talk about it. Finally, after arriving home, the tears began to fall. Their oldest daughter opened up and shared how she was "targeted" because she was a Catholic. "Mom, out of 300 and some kids, we were the only Catholics. They were preaching things that were not true". Tammy knew something had to be done. She shared with her husband, about the camp having been laid on her heart three years earlier. Barry was apprehensive at first, but supported her in this calling, for he believed it was from God. Even though both of them knew it would be a huge undertaking, they were up to the task. The first thing they did, was sit down and pray as a family. They prayed for God's direction and provision. They prayed that He would open the way and direct their steps. They prayed for healing for the children from the judgement and separation they had experienced; and they prayed for those who lacked the information needed to teach the truth about our Catholic faith. Then they asked God for a clear sign that this was the path they were to take as a family. The following Saturday evening, the family went to Mass. Father Dan Wetzler happened to be filling in for Parish Priest, Fr. Bill Gould that weekend. After Mass, the Loes asked Father Dan if they could speak
with him
privately . Together, they sat down and shared their entire story. The children told him that at this camp, they had been separated and individually encouraged to "seek out the truth" about their faith walk. They shared how they were told by camp counselors that Catholics are not real Christians. The shared how they were told repeatedly how bad Catholics are because they 'worship Mary and not Jesus'. One of them shared how she had even been told that Catholics wear Crucifixes because they don't believe that Jesus has risen from the dead. Fr. Dan did not seem surprised. In turn, he shared his sadness toward the ignorance that others have concerning the Catholic faith. He encouraged the Loes to forgive them for their ignorance. He then said the very words the Loe Family had hoped they would hear...."Let me tell you something funny" he said. "I just went to a Northern Deanery meeting this past week, and one of the priests mentioned how the one thing we are missing here in Idaho is a Catholic youth camp. I think you should go for it". Well, here they were....this was it...no more excuses. No more arguing with the Lord.... God had very clearly given this family the confirmation they needed to move forward. It was time to start a Catholic Youth Camp! So here we are today! Several years have gone by since that first meeting with Fr. Dan. Through the grace and mercy of our Loving Lord and Savior, the North Idaho Catholic Youth Camp came to fruition that Fall of 2006. Since then we have had five week-long summer camps, and hosted over 400 different, amazing campers... Many from local parishes, but some from as far away as Nevada, North Dakota, and Oregon! We have been blessed with the prayers and support of St. George's Parish in Post Falls, and the wonderful parishes of Kootenai County as well as their priests. We have had the undying support - both financially and spiritually - from the wonderful North Idaho Knights of Columbus. There are many many more not mentioned here, but that does not lessen our appreciation for all that has been done for this camp. So this was how it all began....God used a potentially very sad situation, to bring life to a dream. He literally made "beauty from ashes", as this was the beginning of something that would hopefully and prayerfully change the lives of many children for years to come. Please come along side of us and pray for God's continual provision and guidance with this ministry of love. For it is only by God's faithfulness, that we go forth (1Thessalonians 5:24).
Without each and every one of you, this camp would not exist. We thank
God for this community, and the rich Catholic heritage
that we and our children have been a part of....